On 18th of March at 14.05pm with Micheal Schwab will be online lecture "Exposition of Artistic Research: Expanded Writing and Publishing Art".

There is a widespread belief in order: first you do something and then you publish it. However, what about if publishing changes what we aim to publish? Could those changes rather than work against our practice not be embraced and utilized to further what we do, say and understand? – This lecture will introduce the notion of ‘expositionality’ as it was developed in the context of the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) and the Research Catalogue (RC). I will attempt to make a case for artistic research not through definitions of what it is or should be but through modes of articulation that it affords that link aesthetic with epistemic concerns.

About Micheal Schwab

Michael Schwab is the founding Editor-in-Chief of JAR, the Journal for Artistic Research. During the first years of SAR he was responsible for the RC and its development coining the notion of ‘exposition’ along the way. Most of his writings and some of his art and research is accessible through his RC profile.

The lecture is primarily intended for members of the VAA community, connecting with vda.lt e-mail. If will be vacancies, everyone can join from 14.05pm.

Facebook event

Moderated by doc. dr. Vytautas Michelkevičius