„Mapping the Key Concepts of Dynamic Media“

Paskaita vyks birželio 22 d., 18 val. 310 aud., Maironio g. 3 „Titanikas“

The lecture focuses on main concepts of dynamic media (and its pedagogy) as practiced at the Dynamic Media Institute, master’s program in design at Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. As the program revolves around communication design, the discussion on dynamic media is arranged within the following four groups of concepts: Design for Information; Design for Time and Motion; Design for Interaction; Design with Algorithm.

Dynamic media designers see the world as information structure that communicates continuously. Their role is helping individuals to participate in the complexity of information — in learning, understanding, making informed decisions, but also articulating thoughts, creating, and telling stories. Communicating in the language of dynamic media requires fluency in multiple "languages,” “dialects" and "codes" that have traditionally been segregated into distinct disciplines. It demands a synthesis of multiple points of view on communication.

Prof. Jan Kubasiewicz

Jan Kubasiewicz sukūrė ir nuolat dalyvauja kuriant naujas inovatyvias komunikacinio, informacinio dizaino bakalauro ir magistro studijų programas. Kaip kviestinis dėstytojas, dizaineris ir dizaino kritikas nuolat dėsto daugelyje universitetų JAV, Australijoje, Kinijoje, Japonijoje, Pietų Korėjoje, Italijoje ir Lenkijoje. Kaip grafikas ir grafikos dizaineris Jan Kubasiewicz nuolat rengia personalines parodas JAV, Japonijoje, Vokietijoje, Lenkijoje, Italijoje ir Kanadoje. Profesorius taip pat yra „The Minda de Gunzburg“ centro, Europos studijų Harvardo universitete narys.